
How Scoring and Ranking is Interpreted

Given the variability and heterogeneity in scientific research regarding menstrual-related conditions, our ranking system evaluates the efficacy and evidence scores for various remedy protocols in scientific papers. This system accounts for study quality, statistical significance of claimed improvements, and the relevance among different symptoms and chosen factors.

Evidence Score:

Scoring Criteria:

  • Score 3+: Strong Evidence
  • Study includes no fewer than 50 subjects AND more than 100 citations at the time the database is created, offering substantial evidence for health improvement.
  • Score 2: Moderate Evidence
  • Study with no fewer than 50 subjects OR citations between 50 and 100 when the database is created.
  • Score 1: Limited Evidence
  • Study with fewer than 50 subjects AND fewer than 50 citations.
  • Score 0: No Evidence
  • Absence of human trials with a comparison group to support evidence.

Design Considerations:

Adjustments may be applied based on the study's design, such as randomized/non-randomized, double-blind, single-blind/no-blind, placebo-controlled, etc. The total score may thus exceed 3.

General Interpretation:

A score of 2 or higher may represent moderate evidence according to the research.

Efficacy Score:

Scoring Criteria:

  • Score 3+: Strong Improvement
  • Significant positive impact on the condition or outcome.
  • Score 2: Notable Improvement
  • Noticeable and impactful improvement in the condition or outcome.
  • Score 1: Slight Improvement
  • Minor or modest improvement in the condition or outcome.
  • Score 0: No Effect
  • No change or improvement in the condition or outcome.

General Interpretation:

A score of 2 or higher may signify moderate improvement for some individuals.

Multiple Publication Consideration:

If multiple publications pertain to a remedy, all their weights are factored into the overall ranking.

Ranking Method:

  • Ranking Criteria:
  • Rankings are derived from combined efficacy and evidence scores, considering the relevance of multiple symptoms and chosen factors.
  • Result Presentation:
  • Weighted scores are used to present a ranked remedy list, where higher-ranked remedies are more likely to address multiple symptoms.


This ranking system is not reviewed by the FDA and serves research and informational purposes only.

Through these guidelines, the ranking system strives to offer a scientifically-grounded assessment of remedies for menstrual-related symptoms, reflecting both the robustness of the evidence and the extent of the improvements.